I hate forwards and anything like that Crap.
I really do hate forwards and REFUSE to open them or (god forbid) pass them on.
Come on people you don't get your news from a forward.
I hate it when I get forwards in the email, myspace, cell phone, or anything else and now Freaking blogger has been bit by the evil forward bug.
So for Gods sake don't unleash the (above) evil upon the world! Kill the forward when you receive it. (I personally find that you get more satisfaction using a old-school weapon)
Don't ever pass it on or i will have this Santa come to your house this Christmas. Some of you know me well and thinking I may be joking, but let me tell you I am not! I dead serious! Maybe even Deadly.
I am totally not kidding. (end rant)
anyone else feel this way?
if i didn't read forwards i wouldn't know that Obama is the Muslim brother to terrorist Osama who doesn't cover his heart during the pledge of allegiance because he has sword eternal allegiance to allah.
am i right or am i right?
you can't argue with news from a forward.
I was looking for someone to tag and so I clicked this link that led to here on Jessica's blog, and I happen to read this post.
I feel just as passionately as improper grammar. :P
improper grammar is my way of stamping "AJ" on life!
I find forwards as not fact, but as a fun way to get things spread around. I won't beleive a word that forwars say.
I like to think of forwards as silly string. It's good sometimes, but not always (especially if it's old). A little is alright, but a lot is super annoying. Most of the time, it's brightly colored and once it gets out and drys, it's kind of hard to get rid of it all. :)
I think forwards are like a deadly virus or like the black plague, slow painful death and without mercy.
Then you better learn how to defend yourself against them :)
O i know how, I have not one but two aces up my sleeve.
1. Evil santa from futramma is under constrction right now and will be ready at christmas,
till then I have option number two
which works just as well.
my cousin made a flamethrower once, but the flame wasn't that big :)
good luck with those ideas :)
(but you could always try shooting people into space and make them watch terrible movies such as: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOCqlKNW9rU)
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