Monday, June 9, 2008


Remember this?
rite about going to CWU and your college years in general. Discuss your plans, fears, things you're looking forward to, dreading, apprehensive about, excited about, etc. how do you feel about it all? What do you expect it to be like?
jeremy thought that I should right about this so i will.

My plans for CWU involve getting involved into a church right away. I would also try find a way to get my name out there as a soundman.
My greatest fear is that I wont fit in. but besides that it would be that I 1. Fall away from my faith (not likely but still a fear) and that I fall into a troublesome group.
I am looking forward to restarting. I feel like I need a redo and I think that CWU will give me a chance to do that.
I am dreading meeting my roomie, I just have visions of people who I don't get along with and just picture living with that person for a year.

I feel real good about going, considering that a couple of weeks ago I wasn't planing on going to college and now I am its cool. I do play on getting more involved with sports as I really miss playing them.

I am worried about my curse of the trouble circle. See every class I have been in has had the trouble circle and I also have had the trouble circle center itself around me, and well thats bad news bears for me. (and the teacher)

So thats it for now maybe more later,

Peace out folks...
Foster 4 mayor!


Anonymous said...

Does this school have rules about where Freshman can and cannot live? Meaning, are you going to be required to live in a dorm on campus, and assigned "whomever" as a room-mate? Or will you have the opportunity to get an off campus place with guys of your choosing?

I'd be willing to bet, any church around there will have a good showing of CWU students. Probably once you spend a few weeks there, and get plugged into a church, you'll find a good group of Christian guys to room with.

So maybe, you survive your 1st semester on a dorm with whomever as a roomie, and line up a place and a group of guys for an off campus house after Christmas break?

When my wife and i were dating, and she was in Pullman, thats what everyone in their church did. When i visited Pullman, i stayed at a house rented by like 5 guys - off campus. It was cool - a fun "guy house" that didn't have booze and naked chicks. We'd hang out, play guitars, and pray and stuff.

bailee.b said...

sounds like an exciting step for you. and it also sounds like you have a good head on your shoulder in knowing what you're going up against vs what you are really wanting out of your college experience [minus the obvious education].
as someone who didn't take the best route in my college start, i would greatly encourage you to get plugged into a church right away. that fellowship and community will be fundamentally crucial for your walk.
but have a great time and enjoy being in college. it will be some of the most enjoyable years of your life!

AJ said...

To jeremy,
I have to live on campus for the whole school year. But yea thats my plan after the first semester.

But I also am thinking about transferring to UW.

to bailee, Hey first time commenter!

Nate said...

a quick ?. Why does the trouble circle always form around you?

AJ said...

Good ? and I know that we talked about it before and can't remember what was our conclusion.

Anonymous said...

Hey I just ran across your blog. My name is Siri and I will be a freshman at CWU and pretty much have the same thoughts you are having. Maybe I will see you around campus, what dorm are you in?