Friday, January 18, 2008

AJ Foster...

So here we go what do you guys think:

Heres the pic. what title should I use?

AJ Foster
Bringing the Communist Party Back.


AJ Foster
Bringing the Red Scare Back.Today.

These are kinda inside jokes, but you should get them if you read my blog. And I will make a better picture just give me time.

You can also give me some better ideas by commenting and I will ad them to the poll.


thoughts of an elbow said...

i was thinkin more along the lines of:
AJ Foster
Dances better on the moon than in church.

eh? eh?

.justin said...

this may or may not help you while running for mayor of shelton in 2011.

Nate said...

listen man... you never honored your poll on whether or not to blog on hawaii.

Anonymous said...

I say number one...

AJ said...

Well Thoughts of an elbow, I couldn't really dance because I was in a baptist church, so i really didn't feel like a one-way ticket to hell at the time. to justin, who says I am going to be around? Maybe Foster 4 Mayor in seattle?
to Nate, Hold on you, Its in the making. I swear it will be done this week!