Friday, January 11, 2008

It's important to me.

For those at are wondering here are the issues that are important to me. (In no particularly order)
2.Immigration/Homeland Security
3.Foreign Policy
5.Economy (like our weak dollar)
8.Social Security

Now of these things that I find important some of Obama stances doesn't hit the mark. I don't like his stances on Social Security. Thats it. The big one. Everything else is pretty close to what I like.
One thing I would like to clarify is that Medicare isn't important to me right now. I'm 18, I don't get sick or hurt and the only time I went to the doctors was when my mom dragged me.
One day I spent all day looking at each candidates homepage and other sites to figure out which candidate was for me, I graded on a 10 point scale of 15 things. And well Obama scored highest. I looked over 3 Democrats (obama, Hillary, Edwards) and 4 Republicans (Romney, Huckabee, McCain, and Paul) and well for the democrats it went obama, a close second Edwards, and Hillary. For the Republicans it was a tie for first with Romney and Mcain, followed next by Huckabee, the last Paul. All together they were rated the following:
1st. Obama w/129
2nd. Edwards w/123
3nd (t) Romney w/104
3nd (t) McCain w/104
5th Huckabee w/91
6th Hillary w/85
7th Paul w/72

I graded on how close they came to my own views and well these are my results.
And these results will probably change as stances change/get added.

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