Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Part 1: It is time.

So this post is old. Old in the sense that I have been working on it for about a month now. by the way I have chosen not to write on Hawaii, because it is old news, BUT i will put a poll up and if the majority says they want me to write one then I will, but here it goes.

I really don't want to write this post because I believe that it might upset people and well I don't like doing that, but here it goes for real.

I love the world. I love the people, I love the cities, I love the nature. I love living here. But since I am a visionary, I look to improve whats already here. So I look around at this wonderful earth and what do I see? I see people starving, war, death, destroying of the planet, lack of control. And well I really am starting to get pissed. The most powerful nation in the world (USA) isn't doing ANYthing to really help the planet. The united Nations isn't doing anything to help starvation and poverty. States are not helping the homeless. City's turn their back on scandals. People are looking out from number uno.
When I look at the world I see a world where the death of one is mourned by billions but 24000 die each day starvation and no one seems to cares.

I see a world that is obsessed with violence but doesn't care that 15,500 people die of violence each day.

I see a world where the "bigger is better" philosophy is encouraged but 760,000 are homeless in the united states at any given time.

I have heard a new saying that I love. "You are stealing from someone if you have more then you need."
You have two homes? Then you are stealing from someone who doesn't have a home.
Think about it. What if we ALL accepted this saying and made it our own?

On that note I believe in communism. Not the communism that Russia called itself but true communism.
A communism which is defined as: A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single party holds power making progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

I love the idea of communism but I also realise that it doesn't work. People have egos and are greedy.

but I hate capitalism. I hate how capitalism runs. (by the way America IS a Capitalist Democracy (more later on that) I read a report one time that said, that out of the top 100 businesses in the united states only 10 people owned them. hello capitalism, welcome to America. 10 people own the top 100 businesses in America? Another fact. In world war I a french businesses operating out of Switzerland supplied the Entente Powers and the Central Powers during the war. Nothing like making money off of the deaths of about 8,500,000 soldiers who were killed in World War 1, and the total with civilians which is over 20,000,000.

So really here comes what this post is down to, What can I do? How can I make the world a better place, How can I fight poverty, starvation, war, unjust governments? I want to do something but I can't. I feel like the "man" is holding me down. I will continue this with a part II later.


Mr. John said...

i think i agree.
i will think about it before i offer my opnion.

AJ said...

By all means, think away.

Jessica said...

I agree with you from the deepest depth of my soul.

I have to 2 answers to your question, "What can I do"

1] Pray, not only for the people who are starving and dieing, etc. . but the people that are murdering, abusing, hoarding material items, etc[we call them the victimizers] Pray for the condition of the world and the hearts of the people in it.

2] Don't become a victimizer. Don't hoard/stockpile your things. don't take/use more than what you need. Don't become part of the violence.

right now, those are my thoughts...

.justin said...

i'm really proud of you kids.


jesus is here.

Nate said...

I mostly agree. But blaming america for not helping people is kind of hypocritical. Iraq (which I know you are against) supposedly helped many people. People who were used as experiments for chemical weapons. It also harmed many people. Say we help anywhere in Africa. We'd be stuck in the same situation we're in now. Americans probably aren't the only ones looking out for numero uno.

Everything that exists was started or created by 1 person. 1 person. that could be you. or you could join something that has already been created. or you could just do the best you can to help others and show Gods love where ever you are.

Good thinking.

AJ said...

I dont want the american governement to step up and do a iraq all over again. I want the United Nations to do something (it is what they are there for) I want the PEOPLE of America do Want to do something.

Mr. John said...

i have thought more:

i definitely agree with living in moderation. stockpiling = bad. this is something that everyone needs to understand and do their best to practice.

aj - you are a passionate person. from what i can tell 'social injustice' is something you are extremely passionate about. i have never seen you this passionate about running sound, or even ROTC stuff. if you want to help the world in this way, why don't you? i am firmly convinced that GOD gives specific passions to everyone. if this is yours then you should pursue it. don't let the 'man' hold you down. [this is merely speculation. don’t take what i say too seriously.]

.justin said...

good discernment, J-dub.

AJ said...

I have only recently felt the passion of "social injustice. I have felt this way about ROTC but it was during my sophomore and first part of Junior year.

if you want to help the world in this way, why don't you? To answer you question in a quick way (I will post on it later) I feel held down, disencouraged, hard-pressed. I feel like people are forcing me to not do that, to not want to help.
More on this on part II, (hopefully tomorrow).

but don't let that stop the discussion

AJ said...

You have anythoughts justin?

And come on jess I know your reading this, add your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I find this an interesting perspective. I also find it somewhat lopsided or un-informed. It appears that the US is being blamed for not doing enough and in the case of Iraq too much. (Mixing aide and war I am only going to address the aide) Corporations are also bad evil empires that exist to hoard all wealth to a select few, while everyone else starves.

Last statistic that I saw on giving world wide out of the hundreds of billions given the US (individuals, corporations, and government) was responsible for some 54 to 56 percent of the amount given. The US military is almost always the first to offer and give aide in times of major disasters while the UN almost always sits back and does nothing. When they do get involved they are at best ineffective.

The greedy US corporations provide about 12% of the aide world wide. This may not seem to some to be enough, but that is a huge amount, far more than most governments around the world. While I would agree that capitalism can lead to greed for some, for many others it leads to the ability to bless others. In part of the original post you state that you hate the way capitalism works, but given the corrupt nature of man what system would you propose? You state you like the concept of communism, but admit that it does not work.

Further, I would argue that in the US we do not have a poverty problem at all. Before you come unglued, in the 1980s it was estimated that it would take about 2 billions dollars to bring every person above the poverty line in the US. The same year that report was issued the US government spent about 6 billions dollars to end poverty. Every year since there has been a similar trend. The US does not have a poverty problem it has an administration problem. I do not believe that it is an issue of the government or individuals not giving (i.e. hoarding), the money has been and is being given. It is not being administered well. If you want to make a difference get involved in a non profit that meets the need of a select group, but if you change the way the US operates and spends the trillions of dollars get involved in government. If you want to change your generation and generations to come, be serious about God and do what he directs you to. One Man turned the world upside down with a single piece of paper nailed to a church door.

AJ said...

I know that the United States does give out the most money , but we are the wealthiest of all nations so I believe that the nations should give what they can. The fact that the UN does nothing is something I really get pissed off. The UN can do so much but doesn’t and when it does its always ineffective. And the US has to save the UN’s butt (Somalia anyone?)
Greedy US corporations.
As you can probably tell, I’m not a real big fan on capitalism. But I TRY to keep a open mind on it. If Bill Gates ( who is worth 58 BILLION dollars (58,000,000,000) gives 10 million dollars and I who is worth (hundreds maybe thousand) but gave 100 dollars, who’s trying to more? If I can live off of a thousand a month, then he can live off a million. This is the problem I have with capitalism, what’s the point of having 58 billion dollars? What can you do? You can spend it. You can spend it on yourself or others. He IS doing some, but its not sacrificing when you are not hurting. (well maybe is pride hurts, Not being the richest man in the world)

For my system of government, I would combine Republic, Socialism, Communism, and even Democracy.

I will work my way from the bottom up.
I believe that Communism can work, but only in a home setting (2-8) people. I believe that a communistic home can lead to helping others with no gain for themselves.
Next Socialism, I believe that Socialism can work Fantastic in a city setting; the socialist government can meet the needs of the people.
Next on a state wide I believe that the Republic system is the best for a state with the size and population of Washington.
Now on to country. I believe that Democracy is the best system for dealing with large populations. I would have one house of representatives from each state, and one person that Controls the meetings (like the UN system)

(I would be more then willing to continue this if you want)

I do believe the US has a poverty problem, ever been to Seattle? Tell those guys there isn’t poverty in the US. You say that the US has a administration problem not a poverty problem can you explain?
Great thoughts I enjoyed reading them and hoping you continue to comment. I hope that my comment back answered some questions; if you have anymore I’m willing to help explain my point better.

.justin said...

well played, anonymous. well played.

AJ said...

I take it you two know each other?

.justin said...

how would i know them?
they posted as anonymous.

[they should have written their name and stood behind the excellent commentary and thoughts that they put forth towards the conversation... boo-hoo to anonymous commenting.]

i just think that what they had to say and the way they concluded:

"The US does not have a poverty problem it has an administration problem. I do not believe that it is an issue of the government or individuals not giving (i.e. hoarding), the money has been and is being given. It is not being administered well."

was well played.

Anonymous said...

I liked their comments, and hope they reply back. But I don't really mind that it was anonymous.

Anonymous said...

A.J. I completaly agree with you. Great thought! But Justin, why are you so against Anonymous comments?

.justin said...

my thoughts on the topic of anonymous commenting have been previously exhausted, so i will not go into detail here.

simply stated: for me, blogging is about connecting with PEOPLE. i'm assuming this "anonymous" is some one that we all know, so i wish they would have made the choice to write their name to stand behind their [excellent] thoughts.

i'm all about RELATIONSHIP with PEOPLE.

if you want to talk more about it, let's do so tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

who the fuck did we help in Iraq except help bush get richer

AJ said...

well you could say the suunis (the people that Saddam was against) were helped. and maybe a couple of other ethics. (as in people)