Wednesday, November 7, 2007

mtv redone

This pics I found a long time ago, but i think I going to write my paper on them and just wanted to show them to the world. I would like your guys input on these. What do you feel, what do you notice. Feel free to comment even if you don't know me, So please comment, tell me anything you notice. (PS this is a safe anonymous comment blog)

These pictures were part of a "power point slide" for MTV, it was air just on MTV and the was once. so it was just for t.v. It was air on September 12th 2002.


Ryan said...

First of all unless it depicts graphic violence or sexuality the print/video/whatever media should not be censored in ANY manner... I have no desire to live under a fascist state.

As to the content of the message, I actually agree. The war on terror is promoted by a "State of Fear" within the United States. The actual risk that a typical American is under from a terrorist attack (domestic or foreign) is so ridiculously low it's stupid.

We spend trillions of dollars on this war on terror that has no real risk to my life... but the fact that the infrastructure of our country is LITERALLY falling down (see: bridge, Minneapolis) is an absolute crime.

Both government parties want to take my money and spend it. One part wants to take my money and spend it on social programs that are broken beyond repair and bankrupting the country, the other party wants to take my money and spend it on pointless wars that we can't win (terror, drugs, etc).

How about you STOP taking my money, let me decide how I want to spend MY money (like on issues of local poverty, AIDS relief, etc) and return this country to what it should be: by the people, for the people.

Ron Paul 2008

AJ said...

thanks ryan! anything else?

.justin said...

i think they are brilliant.

but i'm anti-patriotic at best.

i think ryan's comments are wonderful.

censoring these images is absolutely ridiculous. the news showed us thee images nonstop. i see images of fires [buildings burning] on the news and in movies, tv etc nonstop. even people dying as a result of buildings collapsing, fires, war, etc.

so to edit them, you are not editing/censoring the images, you are censoring the content. and that isn't right.

what if they would have edited the "boston tea party" as anti-patriotic [meaning it WAS totally anti-british occupation!] where would we be?

freedom of speech is powerful, useful, and constitutional. i can choose to disagree with and not to watch/listen to things i don't want to, but what right do i have [or does the gov't have] to tell people to shut up and get in line?

good ads.
i dig them.
i'm glad you're writing your paper on them.

Danny said...

I am not for the government being a "big brother", but I do understand why these images were banned.

To me, these images show a lack of respect for the troops, and the war. It makes it seem that there are more important things to do, and the war is a "waste of time". To me, this is wrong. I think the horrible memories of 9/11 are too fresh, especially for families of the victims. I also think they show/showed the towers crashing too many times on the news.

I think it is inflamatory to alter these images, and distort what happened. While all those other causes are important, and worth "fighting for", I think these images are too much. It makes it seem like they are down playing 9/11 and dishonoring the people who are risking there lives for the war.

Also, I think more explanation on the exact censorship is needed. Were they banned from TV, magazines, etc? Obvioulsy, they weren't completely banned or they wouldn't be on your blog would they? I think this makes a difference, 9/11 was an extremely tramatic event, and I don't believe it should be used for someone elses agenda.

Nate said...

The pictures are interesting.

They are designed to shock into our minds the reality of other peoples suffering. Using the 9/11 scenerio is a great way to do this. The picture immediatly draws our attention. Then once we're hooked... we read the numbers. The numbers are the meat of this ad. without them the picture is just a reminder. The numbers in the ad say to us that we are selfish selfabsorb and arrogant. I won't dissagree with this.

But what is MTV really saying? The why is important. are they advertising world awareness, or themselves. When it comes down to it, i think that MTV was saying "look we care about social injustice too, therefore we are cool."

AJ said...

i dont think that is just what mtv is saying. Say tuned I will write a post on this later.

.justin said...

i like the way you boys think...

keep it up!