Thursday, November 29, 2007


So i will be a finally report on........violence in sports and how that affects American Life. (this is a working process) If you have any ideas or suggestions let me know. (Ryan as a fellow sports fanatic I expect to hear from you. **Its a call out!**

1 comment:

.justin said...

"violence in sports" as in "full contact football"?

if so, i think that's a weak argument and you'll have a hard time writing your paper. you'll have to completely stretch and read into the ads proof-texts that aren't there, much like you did with you last apple paper.

i should call you Stretch Armstrong or RubberMan, because you really had to work your interpretation into the artist's paintbrush to get some of the conclusion you were stretching for!

it also sounded like a bad focus on the family movie review... i may have to just settle for calling you dr. dobson!

; )