Thursday, November 29, 2007


The following is my report for English on a series of ads by apple.

Apple has made the iPod a household name because of its ad campaign. The ads were something that the public had never seen before or witnessed before. You now see everybody with an iPod. Teenagers, junior high students, teachers, and even grandparents have became victim of Apples successful ad campaign. An average worker being released from his job, a girl who is empowered and ready to fight, and a women who is telling the world that it can wait, these images stir up emotions that tell us want iPod users feel; I want to be free from my job. I want to take on the world. I want to be able to the tell the world to stick it. According to Apple, if we want to be able to feel these emotions then we have to have an iPod. That is the promise that these ads tell us; the iPod will allow you to change your life to whatever you want or need your life to be. The iPod promises to give you freedom which is where the ad becomes problematic to the viewers. The consumers go into the mindset that the iPod can change your life for you, where in fact only you can change your life for you.
Freedom is something that everyone wants. Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to chose what to eat and drink, but we all want the freedom that we can’t have, the freedom of having to not work. We try to grasp onto that freedom by going on vacation or even using sick days just to relax. Unfortunately no one can be on vacation the whole time and that is where Apple steps in. Apple tries to show that work can be escaped from with the help of Apple’s iPod. The ad symbolizes freedom from work with the working man falling down, like he has been shot, showing that the mindless worker is dead or that his spirit has left the body. In the first frame, you see someone who is free, his jacket is unbuttoned, his collar loosened, and his hair released. The man in the image is at his freest. He has been released from the plain world of working (symbolized by the white background) and put into a world that promotes individuality (shown by the color background). The man, in the new world, is being empowered and is welcoming the change. With this ad in mind Apple is trying to show that individuality is expressed through your iPod.
Apple’s next ad doesn't show a transaction instead, it shows what the iPod can and will do. With the second ad a girl is standing with her first clinched in a threatening tone. Her head is in motion, which is shown by the hair in movement, displaying that she is looking at what her anger is focused at. The women is also holding her iPod at arms length away from the danger, symbolizing her wiliness to protect and even fight for the idea of what an iPod brings. The girl is also becoming empowered by the iPod, with her will to fight for her ideas. Her clothes help provide the idea of her being a young college age student, who is willing to fight for her beliefs. The clothes, which could be considered cool, help provide the idea that no outfit is complete with out the addition of an iPod. When the idea of change is introduced or something new, (iPod) people must be willing to defend that idea to the last.
Everyone has a bad day. There are days were we just want to be left alone. We just want to be able to escape to our own personal world and give the world the finger. This is exactly what girl is telling us what she is doing. Unlike the last ad, this women is looking away from her source of distraction. With there being no movement, the ad is suggesting that the women is taking it slow, nothing is going to rush her experience with her music. With her iPod close to her body telling the viewer the iPod is valued and not being threaten. The women’s hand is extended in a way to show that she is not to be disturbed. She has entered in a world which only the iPod can bring you to. A world of which is what ever you make of it. Nothing will distract her from her listening pleasure in her own little world. She knows and likes that she’s dead to the world.
The Apple iPod campaign is one of the most recognized ad’s on the planet. Every thing from its silhouetted people, to the small things that people don’t notice but take in. The iPod campaign is dangerous because it draws you promising emotions and feelings that iPod can‘t give by itself. The iPod itself cannot change your life for the better only you change your life. Only you can give yourself the freedom that iPod users seek.

Disclaimer: I have an I-Pod and am 95% satisfied so this wasn't writen anti-apple.

"here is the following pictures that i used.


Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts on the ads. Personally, i never read into the ads that much.

I see these ads and i see young, hip, cool, good-looking people having a great time with their music. I also see them ignoring the world around them - escaping, snubbing, oblivious.

But its been a brilliant ad campaign. You see so many other companies putting out ads with similar themes in hopes that it helps their products be as successful as the iPod.

Marketing 101 says you want the intended customers to see your product as their functional savior, the solution to some problem they may not know they have, and freedom. The intention is to cause you to need the product.

You're critical of the ad campaign for its supposed claims to provide things it really cannot give. Thats a good thing. We should all have both eyes open when viewing ads, or taking in any information that is intending on causing us to take action or form a belief. Ask why they are pitching these ideas, what they want you as the consumer (or student) to do, and ask if the end is truthful and obtainable.

BTW, if this is a cut-n-paste of what you intend to turn in for an English assignment, you might want to double check some grammar and word choices. ;-)

AJ said...
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AJ said...

No this was my rough draft, my final draft I just didn't put on. Don't know why.

Nate said...

Nice, this is what the teacher wants you to do. Read into the ad more so than the creator of the ad even did.

da bears!