Wednesday, August 29, 2007

a tat

So I pretty happy last night night I told my parnets that I want to get a tattoo for my birthday, and it looks like a go. I have a good idea about what i want to get, but i want it to be a surpise, but if you have an idea, then let me know, and I will think about it.

Listing to, Turning Japanese, by the Vapors.


Kenan Butler said...

this better not be a hokey tattoo, AJ.

Kenan Butler said...

this better not be a hokey tattoo, AJ.

AJ said...

no it will be a real one

.justin said...

real ones can be hokey too.

make it good.

maybe a cross with an arrow on the top of it symbolizing the resurrection?!?!

i'll give you a dollar.

remind me to tell you about the story of th e heart and the butt and the fish and tattoos in hawaii... it's a good one!

AJ said...

you already have. it was good.

Sara Hansen said...

dont let justin pay you a dollar. when you turn 30 you will be like "why did I get this stupid thing for a dollar?"

that's cool you're thinking of getting one, when is your birthday?

[oh yah, dont get a tribal arm band either, that is stupid!]

AJ said...

dec 14th 2007