Saturday, August 11, 2007


The Mob…
Five Guys…
One Dream…
The Message: Psalm 71:17 you got me when I was an unformed youth, God, and taught me everything I know. Now I'm telling the world your wonders;

Alright, so right now you probably like what is the “The Mob” well the Mob is 5 guys who meet once a week and talk about God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. The reason that we meet is off my philosophic idea that the church is like a grandfather figure, that youth church is like a father figure and that small groups like the Mob are like friends. Reasons why I believe this is that I love the church like I do my grandpa but we totally disagree all the time on things, (just like the church and I) but when my grandpa tells me advice I take what he says and store it away like a nugget of truth. Now with my dad I am more willing to listen to him then my grandpa and learn form him. Just like I learn more from Youth Church then I do from Big Church . Then I listen more to my friends on most issues then I will my parents, so it is like for every teenager. So I will learn more and listen better when someone my own age is talking. So I learn more and grow more with the mob then I would with Youth Church . But back to the mob, the mob is five guys who take a question that is asked by one of us, home and think and pray about it. We then met once a week and talk about what we believe. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we agree to disagree. We have covered topics form is it ok to wear Christian clothes, is it ok to watch violence on TV, to last weeks topic which is Does God know the future and if so are we pre-destined .This weeks topic is What part of God’s love does he allow people to suffer?
Really I believe the Mob is about us taking control of our faith and making it our own by teaching ourselves.
Random thoughts by the future Mayor of Shelton AJ Foster


Nate said...

if the church or "grandfather" is the body of Christ... What does that make YOUth church and the mob?

Anonymous said...

The mob is the father figure and the mob is a group of best friends