Friday, July 11, 2008


So heres a really quick post,
i got my schedule for next quarter,
psychology (and the human adaptions)
philosophy (and the theory or ideas)

I got to talk to the head guy for engineering and well he laughed when i asked if i should get a mac or dell. he said if Microsoft and a dell.
so that settled the debate. Its going to be a dell.

And I think my dads going to pick it up in japan, that way there is no tax and its cheaper.

Thanks to all who gave imput.
and besides Apples not looking to hot right now...

1 comment:

.justin said...

first of all, apple is so hot right now. they are doing just fine. when you have MILLIONS of people lining up in front of your stores to purchase a second generation product, you are doing JUST FINE.

additionally, if you'd read the stuff going around, the majority of their problems and frustration are not centered around the apple product itself, but the AT&T activation, the super high volume of initial server requests, and apple store employees needing to be versed in wireless cell data, which they were not and this was day one for them. trial by fire, if you will.

AS SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE, and who got the short end of their "policy stick", the blame is NOT to be given to apple.

the reason for the activation-before-you-pay policy was to help combat the illegal activity of the jailbroken iPhones. steve's trying to do things legal and help others do the same. it was a bulky, awkward, and lame process, but i don't fault him. he's a DRM-nazi, but he's also the inventor of some of the most awesome tech we have today, so more power to him.


the naysayers are just mass jealous.

go back and read the comments on your original post. listen to what people in the know tell you: you will not be doing AUTOCAD on your personal school laptop. [as musch as your "make you feel excited about his program" college prof. may tell you otherwise]. AUTOCAD will be done on school lab computers. now, i'm sure because this prof was a super old-school/lame engineer, stuck in '92 when apple sucked, therefore he's a PC-boy all the way. we all know these people, in fact, some of them go to our church and ran our networks. but here's a little faith story: Mr. B, historical applehater, has recently made the switch to MAC and LOVES it. so... there is hope for this poor grumpy, CWU engineer's soul.

but the point remains is that you won't/shouldn't be doing AUTOCAD on WHATEVER laptop you decide to purchase for college: dell or mac.

if you go with a dell, i still want you to call me on november 15, 2008 and tell me how much you wish you had a macbook.

apple is so hot right now.

and your schedule looks good. you are going to be faced with all attacks on faith-based christianity right out the gate, and i pray that my training that i've given on sunday mornings and wednesday nights will have provided you with a framework to be able to navigate that righteously. but more importantly, i pray that your heart's love for the LORD and your trust that HE is more powerful and more beautiful than anything or anyone else would prevail and allow you to soar with wings like an eagle through your college years.
seriously, dell or mac... THAT is going to be your biggest decision you need to be focusing your heart on 24/7.

i believe you can do it.