Sunday, May 18, 2008

Its now an open floor.

I am kinda running out of things to write about so if you have something you would like to me to write about, leave a comment anonymous or not and I will write about it. (unless its one the of things that I won't write about (men's retreat/softball/youth group/family)

So I open up the floor.

(not like anyone is going to comment or anything but you always have to hope {inside joke on hope [sorry]})


B-Handsome said...

Hating Other Peoples Eagerness.

.justin said...

i suggest you don't have anything to write about because you've chosen NOT to write about the 4 big things in your life.

therefore, i will not suggest another topic because i don't want to hear about you rambling on about something controversial because you like to be argumentative. i just want to hear about your perception of your life experiences... which in this case, are: men's retreat, softball, youth group, and family.

so... meh.

Anonymous said...

write about going to CWU and your college years in general. Discuss your plans, fears, things you're looking forward to, dreading, apprehensive about, excited about, etc. how do you feel about it all? What do you expect it to be like?

Anonymous said...

and what justin said. dont be a wuss

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.