Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Slowly I Am

Slowly i am getting tired.
tired from not getting enough sleep
tired of stress
tired of life

My "high" is falling

And I'm afraid of whats at the bottom
Really bad


Anonymous said...

dude, i dont even want to hear about tired.

Just you wait. Someday you too will have little AJ's that cry all night long, keeping you awake, and you'll be older, and less able to suck up a sleepless night, and then you will be expected to get up while its still dark and go to some job and be expected to work hard and make rational decisions, and produce something of value, then after 10 hours or so come home and "connect" with your wife (verbally, emotionally, physically, etc, etc, etc), and still take care of stuff at home - including being a good father to the little AJ's that deprived you of a good night sleep for the last several years.

Young guys are busy, i get that, but your life today is probably the simplest its ever gonna be. Enjoy it.

AJ said...

I know that, but what I was trying to show was how I was feeling. you know when you miss to many hours of sleep and as the week goes on you slow down. Thats what it feels like.
I understand your point.
but look at mine.
I'm 18, almost done with high school. I had life all planned out then everything went downhill (or uphill)
Now with friends getting accepted to college, getting their lives figured out, my life just gets a little more screwed up. I apply to a college and send everything and they don't receive it. So while in 10 years I will look back and might say this was the simplest life ever was, right now it sure the hell isn't. Every choice I make has effect.
I haven't been accepted to any colleges yet and I'm scared that I won't be. That if I don't go then I will never go.

But another point, I work 32 hours a week at cci and on my day "off" i pull 6 hours at school, i have homework and all that wonderful jazz.

but like I said, right now to me life trying, physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is a major drain on me on what I am going to do, where (if) I am going to school, etc, etc, etc.

Concealed Eminence said...

Wow. That's suckish. :/

I've had a few stressful points myself, and my advice is find an outlet. Wether it be XBox, or Youth Group, getting an outlet for that stress will keep you from completely crashing. :)

Hope you get everything situated!

Anonymous said...

no need to worry man. your situation is common. I was in a very similar spot in the spring of my senior year. I too was working near full time hours as well as finishing HS and all the other activities, and waiting on pending college applications.

I didnt have a freaking clue how my life was going to go when i was 18. Dont worry about it, you have time. Im not saying you should go waste time being irresponsible, but im thinking its ok to not have everything lined up yet. I mean, how many people think they have it all lined up, just to change majors or even change colleges after two, three years into it. I say keep your options open man.

I hope i dont come off as negative. I intend to say a little bit of "suck it up" and a little bit of "hang in there, everything's gonna be fine." Take it in stride. If you are over committed, learn to say "no" to non essential things. GO to bed at a reasonable time. Eat better. You know, there are basic things you can to to help your body and mind deal with stress. But part of being a man is learning how to function when you are tired and stressed out, and knowing when to say "im over my head, i need a timeout." Know what im saying?

AJ said...

to corey.
An outlet. thats my problem my outlet was rotc, its were I could "escape" it was something that I dumped my stress and anger and made it work. but i havn't found something like that yet. been trying but all i run into is roadblocks.

to jermey,
So far i havn't gotten accpeted to any college yet. Most of my friends have. So my main goal of going to college is looking like its fading fast. and I'm trying not to freak out.
but its hard.
see above.
I can't vent all this stress.
Its building up.

I doing what I always do...run as hard as can (whatever I focus on) then when the tank is empty, I'm done,