So heres a quick recap of whats going on...
I have now voted. Curious? I voted for obama and No on the levy, and of course registered democrat.
I have been working on my college applications heres where I'm applying/applied.
Seattle U
Seattle Art Institute
I still don't know what I am doing for my life.
I have realized that my life has kinda just died (spiritually mentally and physically) so I am now hanging with God. Trying really hard to learn stuff at work. Running.
I ran today and it hurts but in a good way. tomorrow weights. :)
And I have finally starting running at the game of life again.
I don't want to ever check out like that again.
Exercise: Welcome Back AJ
Brain: Welcome Back AJ
GOD: Welcome Back AJ
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unfortunately for you, the democratic party isn't even looking at results for the primary. which is what you voted in. your vote in the presidential election is so far worth absolutely nothing. nothing. zip. nadda.
IF you want your voice to count, for the democratic party, you need to go to caucas. if you are choosing to caucas for a democrat [obama], you need to show up at Olympic Middle School THIS SATURDAY, february 9 at 1pm.
again: washington democratic party is only awarding delegates based on the results of caucases. they are not even counting primary election results.
the washington republican party is taking 51% of their votes from the priary and 49% of their votes from the caucas, which occurs on the same saturday [feb 9] at SHS-SUB.
i will be there to caucas for ron paul. so will ryan and i think jeremy too [someone at least]. i think james is going to caucas for paul as well... but maybe old man mccain.
kristi wants to vote for obama too, which i'm happy for. i told her if she really wants her vote to count, she needs to caucas. so you may see her there.
i highly recommend your participation in that process.
BTW: that is a LOT of colleges to have applied for. was their an app fee for each one?! you could have gone to honduras on that!
and good for you for exercising!
GOD says welcome back AJ, too!
Good that your attacking the trial of life head on.
it's not a trial.
that's how yesterday's christians viewed it... "can you pass the tests of not sining for GOD to be able to accept you and graduate you into heaven as your final goal?"
life, the christian life, is an adventure. a mission. a lifestyle.
enjoy the ride.
welcome back to your life AJ.
the colleges you applied for seem really random. the only common denominator that i see is that none are christian colleges (but i would have guessed that). do you have reasons for the ones you applied for? or did you just apply for a ton because you are not sure what you're going to do with your life?
To jw.
1, all colleges are in washington. Cheaper
2, "christian" colleges are more expenseive.
3, I have a pretty good idea what I want to do.
4, why do you say that you could of guessed that?
To ben,
Life is fun just hard
To justin hate to break your bubble but Obama himself has already infromed me what to do for washington. So...sorry.
About the fees my parnets are paying for them :) (me:YES! thanks mom and dad)
also seattle art is out. why? 22,000 for tution thats why.
1: Voting. Yes, i plan to caucus. Not decided for whom yet, but at the end of today, i expect to have a better idea. Justin is correct, a primary vote in the Dem side is meaningless.
2: Choosing college. Here's my advice. If you don't know what to major in yet, think about transferability of credits. It can be a royal pain in the butt. Eventually, you will need a major, and depending on what that is, you will want to try and get into a good school for that field. Others may disagree, but the school you graduate from ABSOLUTELY DOES matter when applying for a job.
Unless you plan on going into ministry as a vocation, or into a field where it doesn't matter what school issues the degree, i advise NOT going to a Christian college. Interviewers want a familiar name for college, and some obscure religious school may not help you get noticed in the secular industries. I could totally go off on why to shy away from bible colleges, but i wont unless you want to hear it. I went to one, BTW.
In my field, they actually give preferences to certain schools (MIT, Stanford, UCLA, UW, etc) and actually shy away from others (Evergreen).
Graduating from the right school for your field helps get interviews, helps managers decide to hire you, and even helps you negotiate a better compensation package. I'm serious.
BTW, at 18 years old, it is OK to not know what you want to do yet, so dont sweat it. But by all means DO go, and DO pick something, and DO finish.
Heres the thing with evergreen that I found out.
People (companies) accept a degree from evergreen, its not something thats smiled upon but it is.
I don't want to go a christian college because its so expensive and the degree isn't as important.
Also I am one of those people that we I commitment to something I stick with it. 100% I never really am wishy-washy. So once I go a school I would pretty much stay their for a full 4 year degree.
But i am interested in hearing your reason on not going to a christian college, I would find the interesting and I think others would as well.
Also I will pick up the bird tonight. Sorry about that but I got sidetracked.
Evergreen is actually highly esteemed back east, but around here we all know its a factory for tree hugger granolafarians who have a crappy work ethinc.
Christian schools - in my experience. Too expensive. 2nd rate (at best) education, especially in math/science. I had a terrible time transferring credits both to and from the institution. The worst yet, these schools (or at least the one i was at) was filled with girls who went to school for the express purpose of finding a husband. Im serious. the school i was at had 3 girls for every guy. The girls took "early childhood development" as a major. Mommy degree. They leached onto any and every young man. It was very distracting. To give you an idea, i was not popular with the ladies in high school - at all, but once i was in bible college i had girls chasing me left and right. I was there to study, not hook up.
If ministry is your calling, its what ya gotta do. But if your future is working for industry, get yourself into a known and respected university.
BTW, there's nothing wrong with finding a spouse in college as long as the relationship doesn't detract form the education.
after sending my last comment, i realized i made a harsh statement about an entire class of schools, only one of which i can speak to from experience.
So the whole 2nd rate education thing and all the chicks going after the pastors wife degree, while true at the institution i attended, may or may not be indicative of all of them.
Perhaps some others who have bible college under their belts can compare my experience with theirs?
cleaver, you pretty much nailed it.
i've been a student at 3 bible colleges, and one University of Hawaii.
in the public system you are a number or a stat, but not a student. this is not so in the christian system [in my experience].
i just find it hard to believe that you would choose to go to a christian college/university. it seems like it would be hard for you to find one that you would really like and agree with.
- i’m probably basing these thoughts off the problems you have with FBC.
You what is scary I can see me going to a christian school, but I don't want to go.
I felt like, in the bible school i went to, the leadership of the school was more concerned with the schools reputation with alumni than the students well being or their education - or the great commission for that matter.
Good rep /w alumni = financial contributions. Yes, it really is all about money - even in many Christian institutions.
Then again, this was in Georgia - bible belt - HQ of everything archaic about U.S. Christian traditions.
The non-bible based classes were an absolute joke. I have no idea how they were accredited.
There was nothing i learned in bible college that i cant learn on my own through books or classes at churches. And finding a spouse is a retarded reason to pick and attend a school.
The colleges in our state all have certain areas they specialize in. Most have a core list of majors that are pretty standard, but each specialize in some fields. For example, if you want medicine, architecture, various engineering disciplines, etc, you want UW; if teaching you want western or central. Agriculture, vet medicine, civil engineering, WSU.
I wouldn't be afraid to consider transfering. Remember that the core undergrad classes are all the same, and you can likely get them knocked out at a cheaper school. Then transfer to the school you want to get your degree from when you have a major chosen and a game plan to get it.
WSU, central, and western are way cheaper than UW or some of the other seattle schools. But UW on your resume looks sweet in certain fields. Know what i mean?
I don't know if the guidance counselors tell you this, but companies pay better starting salaries depending on your education. In large companies like mine, your starting salary is the ONLY time you EVER get to negotiate compensation. After that, you are chained to annual performance reviews that usually don't even keep up with cost of living.
All that to say, how you start a career is critical. Picking a major and a school to get it at is very important and can have long term ramifications, so choose wisely.
I noticed Ananapolis wasn't on the list. Have you decided to quit the military all together?
I have already applied there.
But I don't think they are going to let me in.
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