So does anyone remember this guy?
Ralph Nader ran on every election, knowing he would never win but oh how he tried. He took away votes and caused presidents to win or lose. Remeber Flordia? But this electrion Nader isn't running, why you may ask? Because there is a new sheriff in town. Someone whos job is to always take away votes. someone who tries so hard (read: too hard) to win, but knows it is helpless enless we all die, and the crazy greeners live. The king of attemps has been dethrowed and a new kings sits waiting for the next electrion where he can simile knowing that he cost someone the electiron. So I am pleased to anocen the new sheriff of the town, the king of the roost, the godfather of the isolations:
I find your tone and content.... interesting, especially in light of the subtext on your blog title.
I'm all for people supporting whoever, as long as they are active. While I disagree with your Obama backing (I think it's a popularity/prom pick, not a policy pick) at least you are being involved.
I was never a Nader fan, but I can respect a man who actually stands for his principles, instead of compromising SOME principles to advance other views, he stood on his principles.
But might I suggest you look up the word hypocrisy, in light of your subtext and your content.
From the internet:
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.
Or if you like an American dictory:
The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
An act or instance of such falseness.
If we are using the prom date analogy does that mean that Ron Paul has a great since of humor?
Taken out a cheerleader......
Here, I will hold your hand, as you appeared to have missed the point.
Quoting your own blog subtext:
"Never Doubt That A Small Group of People Can Change the World. Indeed, It Is the Only Thing That Ever Has."-Margaret Mead.
I don't like holding hands, makes me confined.
I agree with my blog subtext thats why its there. but remember the nazis where just a small group at one time. or if thats too much, the ku klak klan were a small group too.
Just saying a small group can change the world for better or WORSE!
Wow, only 6 posts.
(will have to click the link cause I can't embed a picture in a comment)
Godwin's Law Card
For the uninformed:
Wikipedia on Godwin's Law
Wikipedia on the Reductio ad Hitlerum logical fallacy
I will admit those made me laugh.
i like Godwin's Law.
i wish i had a law named after me.
tonight, i'm going to be:
"breakin the law, breakin the law!"
and it's going to be awesome.
I can't agree with a.ha more
funny stuff
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