Friday, February 8, 2008

Just a thought

I was just thinking. When people listen to Christian music are they "worshiping?" If not is the music then just regular music but it mentions God. So I guess I was wondering are radio stations such as Spirit 105.3 playing music so you can worship, or just giving you something to enjoy because to can't/wont listen to *secular* music?

Just thinking.

p.s. the Obama post shall probably come today.


Anonymous said...

me personally - its both.

There are times im worshiping when listening to worship music.

When im listening to it wile working, i am not necessarily worshiping because of the music im hearing. Though i would say that working is/can be an act of worship and listening to worshipful music can help.

Other times, as a musician, im just trying to learn my part in playing a worship song, so im focusing on the execution of the song and not really worshiping.

I also know there are people who boycott music that is secular because it doesn't glorify God and is therefore sinful. They're wingnuts though.

.justin said...

good thoughts.