Friday, February 29, 2008
NO WAY! He didn't just say that!
Last Wednesday I had my first parent teacher conference where I DIDN'T get in trouble. I have always hated these devilish nights because it always meant lots of scream and yelling and fighting and me getting in trouble when my parents got home. My most dreaded day of the semester/quarter. But this time I didn't get in trouble. in fact the teacher said I was doing good! Finally my last parent teacher conference ever and I didn't get in trouble. Whoo-Who!
Also some of you have noticed that my hair/facial hair hasn't been saved or cut so, me being lazy i have decided to let you the readers vote to decided what I do. but one rule. at lest 15 people have to vote. I know that more then 15 people read this blog so come on people vote. (and I am honoring my Hawaii promise, just wait I have a trick up my sleeve.
peace out homies, (guys and girls)
Peace out.
+baseball season has started and you know what that means.
I'm back to spitting.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Tuesday Herald
My highlight of my week was our all Saturday night prayer night. Justin, Adam, Nate, Drew, and Graydon for some of it, all showed up. And we prayed, and rocked out. And it was my highlight of the week.
Some Thoughts on IT:
The Best thing was walking around at 3am and praying for Shelton
Running up tuner hill
Adams "vision"
how even though people got discouraged about coming most still came.
How we ALL grew closer.
How discouragement comes in many forms but you got to just keep on going.
Another highlight was having the office all to my self last week for three days. Peace and quiet. (sorry brad)
No drama no fighting, Peace and quiet. it was just me and my ipod.
life has still been peachy. :)
What I am looking forward to:
Airsofting with 10+ guys this Saturday. Woo-Who!
By the way the reason I did this on Tuesday is because today is FREE day on Itunes, so I am always happy when it happens.
Peace out,
Sugar. I need Sugar. Sugar and water.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Who's son is he?
peace out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
You know
Why do I feel like this?
Watch this video below but first a disclaimer: The video is not bad, and some might see it as funny, but some might take it wrong. (you know who you are) so please don't watch it and get on my case about it. Or do it because then it will be fun arguing our points.
Heres the link.
So heres my question about the guy in the end. What can I do to stop/help that? How can I not look like a fool where this guy ruins everything I do, just because he can't take a joke (if you see that video as that)
So what Can I do? Thats been my thought for the day.
Dead, dying or both?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Sad Day Indeed
Monday, February 18, 2008
You know when everything just clicks.
I feel better.
Today I was driving and listening to my i-pod and I never ran into a song that I didn't skip or change in the middle, for like 10 songs in a row they were all perfect songs.
Life is good.
and peachy.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
A recap
Friday: Work/sleep
Saturday: I went airsofting. it was fun, I went with kyle and danny and nate, I really want to get a game with a lot of people because it would be a lot funner. We got kicked out of our first spot by a bunch of quads and dirt bikes, so now for the big game we have to find somewhere else, the "big" game is on march 1st so let me know if you want to come or can. (THIS MEANS YOU JW!)
sunday: I went to church and had the "think tank" I really enjoyed it. But I went shooting today, and I rememeded how much i miss just going out in the woods. And shooting too.
Monday: Western Washington Univerisity is on my to do list.
Catch you all later.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Grammys redone
Best Albums
For Alternative White Stripes, Icky Thump
Runner Up: Modest Mouse, Dashboard
For Rock Rise Against, The Suffer And The Witness
Runner Up: Rise Against, Siren Song of the Counter Culture
For Metal Becoming The Archetype, Terminate Damnation
Runner Up: Demon Hunter, Summer Of Darkness
For Christian Project 86, And The Rest Will Follow
Runner Up: Red, End Of Silence
For “Easy Listening”: Lower Lights Burning, Lower Lights Burning
Runner Up: John Mayer, Continuum
Best Artist: Rise Against
Runner Up: Project 86
Best Band For Alternative: Thirty Seconds To Mars
Runner Up: Modest Mouse
Best Band For Rock: Rise Against
Runner Up: Nirvana
Best Band For Rap: Kanye West
Runner Up: John Ruben
Best Band For Metal: Demon Hunter
Runner Up: Mudvanye
Best Band For Christian: Project 86
Runner Up: Anberlin
Best Band For “Easy Listening”: Lower Lights Burning
Runner Up: John Mayer
Best Song
For Alternative (tie) Conquest by The White Stripes and Paralyzer by Finger Eleven
Runner Up: Meds by Placebo
For Rock The Pretender By Foo Fighters
Runner Up: Vitamin R (leading Us Along) by Chevelle
For Rap Stronger by Kanye West
Runner Up: Where is the Love by Black Eyed Peas
For Metal: Chop Suey By System Of A
Runner Up: Iron Man by Black Sabbath
For Christian: From December by Project 86
Runner Up: Breathe Into Me by Red
For “Easy Listening”: Untitled By Lower lights Burning
Runner Up: Waiting on the World To Change by John Mayer
Favorite Genre Alternative
Runner Up: Electric/techno
“New” Favorite Band: Live
Runner Up: The Postal Service
New Favorite Song: Fluorescent Adolescent by the Arctic Monkeys
Runner Up: Cold (But I’m Still Here) By Evans Blue
I tried not to repeat best album or artist has the best song. Stuff like that.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Celebration (in other words a PARTY!)
So when I first started blogging Molly was on her 100th post and couldn't figure out what to do with her 100th post, so I didn't want to be in that position and so I went home and wrote a paragraph for when I made my 100th post. Enjoy.
Well, I guess I made it. What a shock huh? Right now I really don't like blogging so it shall be interested if I keep it up. I really look forward to Rotc, I'm really hoping do some "wonders" with that unit. I hope Annapolis comes through. That Would Be Awesome!
Some things that I hope I do before my 100th post.
Go camping again.
Go see a concert
Get a car
Have fun
Not screw up in school again.
Well thats it for my 100th future post ta-ta from my future computer and flying car.
Part II
Here is my top 7 favorite posts:
1. Mobbing
2. Manly Men
3. Leadership
4. Cotton Candy Man from HELL (oh how I hate you do this day!)
5. A Knock Out
6. It is Time
7. No more
I really think that by reading these seven you can really get a good idea of who I really am. When I'm funny, serious, happy, sad, at my highest and at my lowest. So I encourage you to read them. (they are in no order really)
Part three.
I voted in a caucus yesterday and I really enjoyed it. I will give a more in depth look at it tomorrow but I just want to hit the highlights.
I made a speech and people clapped for me.
Also I am one of the people going to be able to vote in the County and City election. I voted Obama! My friend Danny also is going to the same thing. I really excited and have a drive now to get involved with a party. I just have to choose what party I which party I am going to pick. But I DO want to get involved. Maybe I can play both sides of the fence.
the 100th post
Friday, February 8, 2008
Why oh Why
I was asked this question and I will now answer it.
But heres the unseen question, I like Obama but compared to what or who? Stalin, Saddam, Clinton?
So since I am going to answer your guys question and answer mine.
but I will skip that step and answer anyway.
Obama is way better the Hillary. Way better. Why? The biggest reason is the thing about the House (white) being ruled by two families for what since like forever. Another reason is that when she was elected to the Senate she told us that she was NOT going to make a bid for the white house. LIAR! LIAR! Pants on Fire! reason 3: she cries in the public life. I'm sorry but the other women who were powerful and good leaders (Marget Thacher) never cried. Whats going to happen when the UN doesn't want to do something that we want them to do. Cry? *Crying* But UN this is important*- Hillary (09 if she gets elected)
Now what republicans? Most republicans I wouldn't vote for. Why because I see most of them religious nut-jobs, who have outdated ideas. McCain isn't like that. I would vote 4 him if hillary got the nod. But not against Obama and heres why:
(sidenote) My friend Nathan wrote a pretty good piece on the subject of change. No offense to him but I couldn't disagree more. We do need to change. The sooner the better.
I love his stance on Iraq. He has never voted for it and has stood by his idea that its wrong. Good for you Obama.
I love his stance on the Veterans. He really does help fight for them. ( I know this isn't really something since the all do.)
I love his stance on poverty. No one is more is better to fight poverty than Edwards but Obama comes in second.
I love his stance on immigration. i do believe in the fence (which he does not) but still pretty good.
I love his stance on education. As far as I can see only one candiate has had to work his way up from the bottom. Obama. Edwards too but he is out :( I believe that obama realizes how hard it is to go to school and all that.
I love his stance homeland security. Instead of looking over seas first he looks at home and knows that we need help here more.
I love his stance on Foreign policy. Lets help but not HINDER the world. Help when we CAN and not help we CAN'T. (amen brother)
Just a couple more stances that i like but wont go into details cuz lunch is almost over. Money. gay marriage, and civil rights.
I dont like his stances on Social security (or as I like to call it the SS) healthcare,
So there you go. Why I like him.
Boom! 99 post.
Coming up.
Read this story:
I find this stuff like this pretty freaking sweet. Anyone else find this stuff cool.
Part two: I am listening to this album (icky thump by The White Stripes) right now and I just now know how good it is.
So you should buy or borrow right now and listen to some awesome alternative music.
Best White stripe album yet, with songs best songs yet (maybe, how can you beat Seven Nation Army? you can't thats how)
4.5 stars out of 5 and thats high for me. (only 5 albums with higher then 4 stars for me)

Just a thought
Just thinking.
p.s. the Obama post shall probably come today.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
My Super Tuesday
Hilliary Clinton. I will not vote for, because of this reason, we have had two families in the white house for 20? years. I vote for not making 28. We need change. So chances of liking her 5%
Barack Obama. I like him. I like his stances. and most of all I like the change he will bring to our nation. Sometimes I think you have to look past the policies and look deeper. So chances of liking him 95%
John Edwards. He will be the only candidate that i will review that is out. I think that if Edwards was still running he would give obama a run for my vote. I like him. I like his stances. So chances of liking him 88%
McCain. I think that i might like him most check back later. So chances of liking him 45%
Rommey. hes to much of a politician. So chances of liking him 15%
Huckabee. Same as I think that I might like him but probably not. 35% chance to like him.
Paul. I see his point on somethings but the things I see do not out weigh the things I don't like about him. So chances of liking him 10%
So new standings are. I will continue to update later after super Tuesday.
1st Obama
2nd Edwards (out)
2nd McCain
3rd Huckabee
4th Paul
5th Clinton
So my vote is two Obama
A new king

Ralph Nader ran on every election, knowing he would never win but oh how he tried. He took away votes and caused presidents to win or lose. Remeber Flordia? But this electrion Nader isn't running, why you may ask? Because there is a new sheriff in town. Someone whos job is to always take away votes. someone who tries so hard (read: too hard) to win, but knows it is helpless enless we all die, and the crazy greeners live. The king of attemps has been dethrowed and a new kings sits waiting for the next electrion where he can simile knowing that he cost someone the electiron. So I am pleased to anocen the new sheriff of the town, the king of the roost, the godfather of the isolations:

Monday, February 4, 2008
Welcome Back
I have now voted. Curious? I voted for obama and No on the levy, and of course registered democrat.
I have been working on my college applications heres where I'm applying/applied.
Seattle U
Seattle Art Institute
I still don't know what I am doing for my life.
I have realized that my life has kinda just died (spiritually mentally and physically) so I am now hanging with God. Trying really hard to learn stuff at work. Running.
I ran today and it hurts but in a good way. tomorrow weights. :)
And I have finally starting running at the game of life again.
I don't want to ever check out like that again.
Exercise: Welcome Back AJ
Brain: Welcome Back AJ
GOD: Welcome Back AJ
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Also went airsofting again to today, got shot alot but I nailed nate S in the neck while he jumped off a bank. (he shoots he scores)
It was fun. Not as fun as paintball, but cheaper.
Also a theory for today, I think that only the people who really know you comment on your blog.