Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something to think about

I know its long but its worth it.

The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas

by Ursula K LeGuin - from The Wind's Twelve Quarters

With a clamor of bells that set the swallows soaring, the Festival ofSummer came to the city Omelas, bright-towered by the sea. The ringingof the boats in harbor sparkled with flags. In the streets between houses with red roofs and painted walls, between old moss-grown gardens and under avenues of trees, past great parks and publicbuildings, processions moved.

Some were decorous: old people in long stiff robes of mauve andgray, grave master workmen, quiet, merry women carrying their babies and chatting as they walked. In other streets the music beat faster, ashimmering of gong and tambourine, and the people went dancing, the procession was a dance. Children dodged in and out, their high callsrising like the swallows' crossing flights over the music and the singing. All the processions wound towards the north side of the city,where on the great water-meadow called the Green Fields boys and girls, naked in the bright air, with mud-stained feet and ankles and long, lithe arms, exercised their restive horses before the race. The horses wore no gear at all but a halter without bit. Their manes were braided with streamers of silver, gold, and green. They flared their nostrils and pranced and boasted to one another; they were vastly excited, the horse being the only animal who has adopted our ceremonies as his own. Far off to the north and west the mountains stood up half encircling Omelas on her bay. The air of morning was soclear that the snow still crowning the Eighteen Peaks burned with white-gold fire across the miles of sunlit air, under the dark blue of the sky. There was just enough wind to make the banners that marked the race course snap and flutter now and then. In the silence of the broad green meadows one could hear the music winding throughout the city streets, farther and nearer and ever approaching, a cheerfulfaint sweetness of the air from time to time trembled and gatheredtogether and broke out into the great joyous clanging of the bells.

Joyous! How is one to tell about joy? How describe the citizens ofOmelas?

They were not simple folk, you see, though they were happy. But we do not say the words of cheer much any more. All smiles have become archaic. Given a description such as this one tends to make certain assumptions. Given a description such as this one tends to look next for the King, mounted on a splendid stallion and surrounded by his noble knights, or perhaps in a golden litter borne by great-muscled slaves. But there was no king. They did not use swords, or keep slaves. They were not barbarians, I do not know the rules and laws of their society, but I suspect that they were singularly few. As they did without monarchy and slavery, so they also got on without the stock exchange, the advertisement, the secret police, and the bomb. Yet I repeat that these were not simple folk, not dulcet shepherds, noble savages, bland utopians. There were not less complex than us.

The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, toembrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe happy man, nor make any celebration of joy. How can I tell you about the people of Omelas? They were not naive and happy children--though their children were, infact, happy. They were mature, intelligent, passionate adults whosel ives were not wretched. O miracle! But I wish I could describe it better. I wish I could convince you. Omelas sounds in my words like acity in a fairy tale, long ago and far away, once upon a time. Perhapsit would be best if you imagined it as your own fancy bids, assumingit will rise to the occasion, for certainly I cannot suit you all. For instance, how about technology? I think that there would be no cars or helicopters in and above the streets; this follows from the fact that the people of Omelas are happy people. Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. In the middle category,however--that of the unnecessary but undestructive, that of comfort, luxury, exuberance, etc.--they could perfectly well have central heating, subway trains, washing machines, and all kinds of marvelous devices not yet invented here, floating light-sources, fuelless power, a cure for the common cold. Or they could have none ofthat: it doesn't matter. As you like it. I incline to think that people from towns up and down the coast have been coming to to Omelas during the last days before the Festival on very fast little trains and double-decked trams, and that the trains station of Omelas is actually the handsomest building in town, though plainer than the magnificent Farmers' Market. But even granted trains, I fear that Omelas so far strikes some of you as goody-goody. Smiles, bells,parades, horses, bleh. If so, please add an orgy. If an orgy would help, don't hesitate. Let us not, however, have temples from which issue beautiful nude priests and priestesses already half in ecstasy and ready to copulate with any man or woman, lover or stranger, who desires union with the deep godhead of the blood, although that was my first idea. But really it would be better not to have any temples in Omelas--at least, not manned temples. Religion yes, clergy no. Surely the beautiful nudes can just wander about, offering themselves like divine souffles to the hunger of the needy and the rapture of theflesh. Let them join the processions. Let tambourines be struck above the copulations, and the gory of desire be proclaimed upon the gongs, and (a not unimportant point) let the offspring of these delightful rituals be beloved and looked after by all. One thing I know there is none of in Omelas is guilt. But what else should therebe? I thought at first there were no drugs, but that ispuritanical. For those who like it, the faint insistent sweetness of drooz may perfume the ways of the city, drooz which first brings agreat lightness and brilliance to the mind and limbs, and then aftersome hours a dreamy languor, and wonderful visions at last of the veryarcane and inmost secrets of the Universe, as well as exciting the pleasure of sex beyond all belief; and it is not habit-forming. Formore modest tastes I think there ought to be beer. What else, what else belongs in the joyous city? The sense of victory, surely, the celebration of courage. But as we did without clergy, let us do without soldiers. The joy built upon successful slaughter is not the right kind of joy; it will not do; it is fearful and it is trivial. Aboundless and generous contentment, a magnanimous triumph felt not against some outer enemy but in communion with the finest and fairest in the souls of all men everywhere and the splendor of the world's summer: This is what swells the hears of the people of Omelas, and the victory they celebrate is that of life. I don't think many of them need to take drooz.

Most of the processions have reached the Green Fields by now. Amarvelous smell of cooking goes forth from the red and blue tents of the provisioners. The faces of small children are amiably sticky; in the benign gray beard of a man a couple of crumbs of rich pastry areentangled. The youths and girls have mounted their horses and are beginning to group around the starting line of the course. An old woman, small, fat, and laughing, is passing out flowers from a basket,and tall young men wear her flowers in their shining hair. A child of nine or ten sits at the edge of the crowd alone, playing on a woodenflute.

People pause to listen, and they smile, but they do not speak to him,for he never ceases playing and never sees them, his dark eyes wholly rapt in the sweet, thing magic of the tune.

He finishes, and slowly lowers his hands holding the wooden flute.

As if that little private silence were the signal, all at once a trumpet sounds from the pavilion near the starting line: imperious,melancholy, piercing. The horses rear on their slender legs, and someof them neigh in answer. Sober-faced, the young riders stroke the horses' necks and soothe them, whispering. "Quiet, quiet, there my beauty, my hope..." They begin to form in rank along the starting line. The crowds along the racecourse are like a field of grass and flowers in the wind. The Festival of Summer has begun.

Do you believe? Do you accept the festival, the city, the joy? No? Then let me describe one more thing.

In a basement under one of the beautiful public buildings of Omelas, or perhaps in the cellar of one of its spacious private homes, there is a room. It has one locked door, and no window. A little light seeps in dustily between cracks in the boards, secondhand from a cobwebbed window somewhere across the cellar. In one corner of the little room acouple of mops, with stiff, clotted, foul-smelling heads, stand near a rusty bucket. The floor is dirt, a little damp to the touch, as cellar dirt usually is.

The room is about three paces long and two wide: a mere broom closet or disused tool room. In the room, a child is sitting. It could be a boy or a girl. It looks about six, but actually is nearly ten. It is feeble-minded. Perhaps it was born defective, or perhaps it has become imbecile through fear, malnutrition, and neglect. It picks its nose and occasionally fumbles vaguely with its toes or genitals, as it sits hunched in the corner farthest from the bucket and the two mops. It is afraid of the mops. It finds them horrible. It shuts its eyes, but it knows the mops are still standing there; and the door is locked; and nobody will come. The door is always locked; and nobody ever comes, except that sometimes--the child has no understanding of time or interval--sometimes the door rattles terribly and opens, and a person,or several people, are there. One of them may come in and kick the child to make it stand up. The others never come close, but peer in at it with frightened, disgusted eyes. The food bowl and the water jug are hastily filled, the door is locked; the eyes disappear. The people at the door never say anything, but the child, who has not always lived in the tool room, and can remember sunlight and its mother's voice, sometimes speaks. "I will be good, " it says. "Please let me out. I will be good!" They never answer. The child used to scream for help at night, and cry a good deal, but now it only makes a kind of whining, "eh-haa, eh-haa," and it speaks less and less often. It is so thin there are no calves to its legs; its belly protrudes; it lives on a half-bowl of corn meal and grease a day. It is naked. Its buttocks and thighs are a mass of festered sores, as it sits in its own excrement continually.

They all know it is there, all the people of Omelas. Some of them have come to see it, others are content merely to know it is there. They all know that it has to be there. Some of them understand why, and some do not, but they all understand that their happiness, the beauty of their city, the tenderness of their friendships, the health of their children, the wisdom of their scholars, the skill of their makers, even the abundance of their harvest and the kindly weathers of their skies, depend wholly on this child's abominable misery.

This is usually explained to children when they are between eight and twelve, whenever they seem capable of understanding; and most of those who come to see the child are young people, though often enough an adult comes, or comes back, to see the child. No matter how well the matter has been explained to them, these young spectators are always shocked and sickened at the sight. They feel disgust, which they had thought themselves superior to. They feel anger, outrage, impotence,despite all the explanations. They would like to do something for the child. But there is nothing they can do. If the child were brought up into the sunlight out of that vile place, if it were cleaned and fed and comforted, that would be a good thing, indeed; but if it were done, in that day and hour all the prosperity and beauty and delight of Omelas would wither and be destroyed. Those are the terms. To exchange all the goodness and grace of every life in Omelas for that single, small improvement: to throw away the happiness of thousands for the chance of happiness of one: that would be to let guilt within the walls indeed.

The terms are strict and absolute; there may not even be a kind word spoken to the child.

Often the young people go home in tears, or in a tearless rage, when they have seen the child and faced this terrible paradox. They may brood over it for weeks or years. But as time goes on they begin to realize that even if the child could be released, it would not get much good of its freedom: a little vague pleasure of warmth and food, no real doubt, but little more. It is too degraded and imbecile to know any real joy. It has been afraid too long ever to be free offear. Its habits are too uncouth for it to respond to humane treatment. Indeed, after so long it would probably be wretched without walls about it to protect it, and darkness for its eyes, and its own excrement to sit in. Their tears at the bitter injustice dry when they begin to perceive the terrible justice of reality, and to accept it. Yet it is their tears and anger, the trying of their generosity and the acceptance of their helplessness, which are perhaps the true source of the splendor of their lives. Theirs is no vapid,irresponsible happiness. They know that they, like the child, are not free. They know compassion. It is the existence of the child, and their knowledge of its existence, that makes possible the nobility oftheir architecture, the poignancy of their music, the profundity of their science. It is because of the child that they are so gentle with children. They know that if the wretched one were not there sniveling in the dark, the other one, the flute-player, could make no joyful music as the young riders line up in their beauty for the race in the sunlight of the first morning of summer.

Now do you believe them? Are they not more credible? But there is one more thing to tell, and this is quite incredible.

At times one of the adolescent girls or boys who go see the child does not go home to weep or rage, does not, in fact, go home at all. Sometimes also a man or a woman much older falls silent for a day or two, then leaves home. These people go out into the street, and walk down the street alone. They keep walking, and walk straight out of the city of Omelas, through the beautiful gates. They keep walking across the farmlands of Omelas. Each one goes alone, youth or girl, man or woman.

Night falls; the traveler must pass down village streets, between the houses with yellow- lit windows, and on out into the darkness of the fields. Each alone, they go west or north, towards the mountains. Theygo on. They leave Omelas, they walk ahead into the darkness, and they do not come back. The place they go towards is a place even lessi maginable to most of us than the city of happiness. I cannot describeit at all. It is possible that it does not exist. But they seem to know where they are going, the ones who walk away from Omelas.

The End.

This is what nathan wrote at the end of the email. (this is nates story by the way. so thanks nl)

We are supposed to think about morals after reading this story.

Is it right for this one child to suffer for everyone else?

Think about it.

this is pretty much the whole point of my phil 102 class.

So Heres my thoughts:
1. One suffers for many. Many suffer for one. So the people have chosen one suffers for many. Typical human adult response.
2. The kids who see the kid start to rational themselves. Well he wouldn’t enjoy it. Etc etc etc.
3. People leave but don’t do anything. They can’t bring themselves to hurt their friends family etc.
4. I ask you this question: What are we making suffer for our wonderful world, friends, god, morals?
5. They were living Fake happy life’s because of their knowledge.
6. The role of the flute player shows that he also has control over the happiness.
Those are my quick thoughts.
I will give a better in-depth latter with support. Promise. But only if you guys comment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Life sucks

No more

Last Thursday I quit ROTC.

Heres part of email that really sums up what I am feeling.
i would like to add that I do not regret my choice, but can't deny what I'm feeling.

I not being flaky more like confused.
I quit rotc yesterday.
The military was me.
kinda still is you know?
And now its gone.
The order
The predictability
The challenge
The stress

And in its place is:
No order
No predictability
Just Confusion
And Insecurity
And unpredictability

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shelton's Finest

I am pleased to announce the formation of the Shelton's Finest. Curious?

Friday, January 25, 2008

Fliming time!

Tomorrow I going airsofting and I am going to try and flim it, so wish me luck! If you want to go let me know.

Press Release

Just a press release:
I now have twitter. Don't really know what that means but i have it now.
That is all.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Printer Has Fallen

I have won! I have conquered one of the dragons.

I have slain the evil printer! From now on I can fix paper jams! Die you son of a printer.
You guys really don't know how I feel right now. I am soo happy! Like I won the olympics or something. And not the special olympics either.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Part 1 of three

All right this post is in three parts. The second part is below here and the third one is below that one.

Last Friday I went and saw Cloverfield.

I loved it.
In the running for best movie ever.
Everyone else I was with (Nate, Kyle, and Adam) hated it. But I loved it. Go see it now. After a week or two I will give you guys a better review but I wont now because I don’t want to ruin it for you. So after the movie the crew took off, Adam went with Kyle and Nate with me.

So me and Nathan got to talking and well we got on to talking about my post about Social Injustice. Ryan had some great comments and I really liked his input and all you others that helped out. But theres a few things I need to clarify about that post.
So people hang with me with the next part.
Here we go.

Part two of 3

Part two. I have been really into social injustice lately. And so, I decided to write a post on it. In fact I wrote four but only posted three, cuz, well, the fourth was a little out there and I really didn’t feel like putting it out there. You know what I mean? But here it shall come.

When I wrote these/those posts on social injustice, I wrote them as a human. In other words, I didn’t write them as a Christian or Democrat or even a Republican. I wrote it as a human speaking to other humans. I didn’t care if my readers were Hindu, Muslim, Asian, Poor, Rich or who ever or whatever. I was calling them out and didn’t put any religion in it what so ever. Why? Keep reading.

I didn’t write with Christianity in mind because with Christianity comes the church.
And I hate the church.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
I hate how it is fake.
I hate how it’s a business.
I hate how they sell Jesus Crack or try to at least.
I hate how the people are fake.
I hate the older people for suppressing change,
I hate the younger people for giving in to the demands of the older.
I hate the compromise.
I hate the fakeness of everything. The flowers are fake, the wood is fake, the drums are fake and the people are fake. Everything I see that the church has touched sucks and will die.

Justin has a book that describes me greatly. The title is “they like Jesus but not the church". That’s me! Every time I go into the church, its like im slowly getting poisoned, because at the end I am mad.
Mad at the church for not doing anything.
Mad at the church for doing things.
Mad the church for their ideas.
Mad at the church for not having ideas.
Mad for not listening to us.
Mad for not listening to them.
Hypocritical I know. But it makes sense to me.

End rant/vent

So whats my plan for church? I don’t really know. I really don’t know if there is a church for the anti-church people. O well I still have a few months to figure it out. But till then well, I will put on my fake grin, and just “go with the flow.”

Go ahead, ask questions, do what ever, ask what ever, I promise you that I will answer to the best of my ability

Part 3 of 3

Now for part three. Just a little bit more.
People have told me that I have a me vs. the world attitude. I do. Why? Because if I competing with them, then I need to win. See I am very competitive; I can’t stand losing useless the other team deserved to win. So with things that I find important or just stuff I like it becomes a game. Its me vs. who ever. So yes I do have a me vs them at church, school, driving, wal-mart. Maybe I am weird but so what? What you going to do sue me?

Friday, January 18, 2008

AJ Foster...

So here we go what do you guys think:

Heres the pic. what title should I use?

AJ Foster
Bringing the Communist Party Back.


AJ Foster
Bringing the Red Scare Back.Today.

These are kinda inside jokes, but you should get them if you read my blog. And I will make a better picture just give me time.

You can also give me some better ideas by commenting and I will ad them to the poll.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sam and Stan

Heres something for laughs. (if you get it)

Me: I'm purgatory Stan and this is...

Nate: And I'm purgatory Sam

Together: And this is a Purgatory Sam And Stan Production

A weekend.

So this weekend was awesome.
I watch football, (games werent that great)
Got to watch THE game with Nate/Kyle.
Got to start planing THE trip with Nate/Kyle?/Adam?
Got to watch my jags play awesome.
Got to start really thinking about what I am going to do after school.

Next day.
Got learn Code 171996! (Inside joke)
Got cheer on kyle in church,
Got to do the first chant in church, Ky-le, Ky-le KY-LE!
Got to do the first wave ever in the history of all churchs.
Got to dance in a BAPTIST church. (we are totally going to hell)*sacasm at its finesnt.
Got to have FUN in church.
Got to watch the last half of Colts vs. Bolts
Got to go to Adams house.
Got to shoot adam in the face.
Got shot in the face.
Got to have a fan-freaking-tastic weekend.

But one of the coolest things was showing our support for kyle in a way that was fun. Thats right we were having FUN in church. It has been the first church service in a long long time in which it was FUN. Sure we got glared at, but hey screw them right? They're just going to die sooner rather then later.

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's important to me.

For those at are wondering here are the issues that are important to me. (In no particularly order)
2.Immigration/Homeland Security
3.Foreign Policy
5.Economy (like our weak dollar)
8.Social Security

Now of these things that I find important some of Obama stances doesn't hit the mark. I don't like his stances on Social Security. Thats it. The big one. Everything else is pretty close to what I like.
One thing I would like to clarify is that Medicare isn't important to me right now. I'm 18, I don't get sick or hurt and the only time I went to the doctors was when my mom dragged me.
One day I spent all day looking at each candidates homepage and other sites to figure out which candidate was for me, I graded on a 10 point scale of 15 things. And well Obama scored highest. I looked over 3 Democrats (obama, Hillary, Edwards) and 4 Republicans (Romney, Huckabee, McCain, and Paul) and well for the democrats it went obama, a close second Edwards, and Hillary. For the Republicans it was a tie for first with Romney and Mcain, followed next by Huckabee, the last Paul. All together they were rated the following:
1st. Obama w/129
2nd. Edwards w/123
3nd (t) Romney w/104
3nd (t) McCain w/104
5th Huckabee w/91
6th Hillary w/85
7th Paul w/72

I graded on how close they came to my own views and well these are my results.
And these results will probably change as stances change/get added.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Who to choose? Who to choose? I already know who to choose!

That title don't make sense? check it out.
Now take a deep breath and here we go.

So, the politics have started, and the results are in, but most of you are wondering who is AJ supporting? And here is the post to let you know, so you can go back to being able to sleep at night.
First off, here is my thoughts, American needs change. And who can bring that change? Well, My Vote would go to....
But all you die hard Republicans, I have not forgotten you! I too have been following the Republican just in case I need a plan deuce.

Here is my number one choice.
And the reason why.

And here's my number one choice.

And this guy would be number on expect for the reason at the end of this post.

Why so many Number Ones for the Republicans you may ask. Well I haven't decided on my republican choice.

Now I think that American needs change. I think that most of the presidents look like they just can roll over and die. Don't believe me check this guys out. Obama doesn't look like he can just die tomorrow can he?
Look at the candidates that are running and tell me they are looking like this guy wants a visit.

This isn't a laughing matter, death is a serious issue, and its not nice to make fun of people...yada, yada, yada. Whatever.

Giuliani, looks like he ready for a BigMac attack heart attack.
Duncan Hunter, Same.
Dennis Kucinich, you know who this guy looks like, that one guy from star wars.
Fred Thompson, are you kidding he looks already dead.
and o yea, lets not forget about...
Ron Paul, here he looks surprised that hes even 5th. Hes looks almost dead because hes so funny looking. (inside joke, I like having safe foods!)(Somebody has to the IRS's job) still don't believe me that he looks funny?

And before you folks start complaining, I HAVE looked the issues, and I believe that Obama is the best. I just hope Hillary (what the hell is she doing?) doesn't cry anymore.
Expect some more political post in the future.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This guy has the best job ever. Don't believe me? Search Top Gear on youtube and see for yourself.

Monday, January 7, 2008


This is to clarify yesterday when Zach called shotgun. Lets play by the rules. (justin I think FBC should adopt this too.) Thinking of Beach.

The line.2

N.Y. Giants 27
Dallas 24

Seahawks 17
Green Bay 23

San Diego 30
Indianapolis 37

Jacksonville 23
New England 24

Heres my new line. I still stand by my old one, but If i HAD to pick again heres my week picks.
Plus this week is possibly the best week of football this season! by far. It's Monday and I'm drooling for Saturday.

There is more then one pump you know?

so today started off good, late start for you=no school for me. So I left my house and started driving to work. But first I had to stop and get gas. So I pulled up and got out my money to started to use my machine. But, the machine jammed and took my money, so I had to go inside and fill out a bunch of paper work, with that done I went outside and started to fill up. When the problems with the machine started, a big dodge lifted pickup pulled up waiting for my spot. Yes I was at the disel pump there was one across me, and two behind me, just pointing that out. Well I finshed pumping and put back the hose and started to go inside to get my change. Well this guy a hops out and yells at me to move so he can fill up. this is the what happened. By the way the whole thing was yelling.

Him: Hey, move your car so I can fill up,
Me. Dude I just getting my change.
Him. NO man, just move your freaking car.
Me. After I get my change.

at this point I enter the store. The lady has heard the screaming and asked if I'm from pump 12. I say yes and ask for my change. The guy then enters the store and this is what happened. (still yelling)

Him. All you had to do was move your FREAKING Car 10 feet.
Me. All I had to do was get my change.
Him. I need to get gas!
Me. I have to get to work!
Him. Well I have to fill up.
Me. Dude there is more then one diesel pump.

And with that I walk out.
And go to work.
And I know that I lost my temper.
And I know I was being stubborn.
And I know I don't care.
And I know that I really enjoyed it.
And I know that I enjoyed the rush of standing up to a bigger guy.
And I know that's bad.
I know it's bad that I was mad enough to fight this guy (and he was too) just because I felt he had no write to boss me around.
But part of me says its ok,
go ahead fight him
The scary thing was that I was thinking rationally the whole time, I never lost control 0f my actions. I was totally willing to fight this guy if it came down to it. And i don't know how I feel about that.
Maybe my talent is being able to believe in something so passionately that I would die for it.
Maybe its my blessing,
maybe its my curse.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Do it, do it, do it?

for those that were wondering last night....or even this. Check it out. do it. Do It. DO IT.

Part III: It is Time

Watch this video here. then read this first. then this. Maybe this will help. you can find the lynics here.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Part II of It is time.

Ok so here is part II, (you can read part one here, in fact I encourage it because I think it would help you guys.)

In the last part of part 1 I stated that I feel like the Man is holding me down, I start off of that...

I look at world and I can vision change, I can see a world that doesn't have a big issue with crime, Justice is served, politicians are doing their best for their country and not for themselves. And I don't see that now. So being me, I want to change it, I want to help, I want to be able to do something. And I feel like I can't. I feel like that the Man is holding me down. Who is the Man? the man is the person who looks down on me because I'm young, The man is the person who doesn't think I have good ideas because I'm a teenager, The Man is the person who doesn't care what I think. The Man is holding me down. And sometimes that Man is a Woman too. The Man can be found at school, church, the mall, home, work, wal-mart, the auto dealer, really anywhere you (I) go. The Man is usually not your closest friend. But he is always there hovering over my shoulder, telling me my ideas are stupid, they can't work, blah, blah, blah.
But, I know, I know, that's no excuse, I should not worry about it but you know how hard that is?
So what is the Man holding me down with? I will just name the big ones,
Your just a highschooler,
You don't have a college degree
Your not a adult
You not really needed
You don't know what your talking about
You don't know what life is like

I just get sick of being disencouraged (i think thats a word), you know? part III later.