Wednesday, October 31, 2007


read this story. right now I'm so pissed, that I would write something that i probably shouldn't write. I will write about this later.

ps I'm angry about the church and what they are doing.


Ryan said...

The Christian/Moral/Decent human being side of me says good on the defendants, those retards that are picketing those soldiers funerals should pay every cent they have to those poor families that have lost sons and daughters.

The freedom loving independent constitutionalist in me says meh, what can you do, it's their right to free speech and the government/courts have no right to tell them where they can and can not protest... Our constitution guarantees us both the right to assembly and the right of expression... while I disagree STRONGLY with the message, and I hate the fact that they claim to serve the same God I serve... I can't agree with this lawsuit.

So in the end, I say bad judgment by the jury, they let their emotions for a fallen soldier get in the way of what is right and wrong, and I can guarantee that this ruling will be overturned by either a state or even federal supreme court, as the verdict is unconstitutional.

So yes, I think these protesters are the scum of the earth, but I will defend their right to be assholes just as much as I will defend my right to say what I want where I want and worship who I want.

Ryan said...

One argument I have heard is that this is a hate crime and they are paying the price for that.

I guess this comes down to whether or not this is a hate crime... but as no physical violence was committed against anyone, I have a hard time classifying it as a hate crime. Protesting is a long held tradition in our country and what is the difference between the people that protest outside of a funeral vs the guys who protest out in front of walmart. The issue might be different, but the method is the same...

AJ said...

Why Ryan once again i disagree with you. It has been ruled that your right to assembly is not guaranteed, for instance You can't not hold a demonstration while the senate is in session. You also can not disturb the peace. which is how a lot of demonstrators are prosecuted. I believe that by protesting at the funerals they were in fact disturbing the peace which might be how the jury made their choice.

But i think your missing the point of why I am mad. I plan on blogging about this tomorrow.

Ryan said...

No AJ, I don't mistake why you are mad... I think these guys are scum of the earth as well that demean the name of Jesus...

I am just saying I disagree in principle with the ruling of this lawsuit.

Part of defending freedom is defending the rights of those whom you disagree with. It's easy to defend the right of a white anglo saxon christian with morals exactly like you... but it's a different story when you defend the rights of a gay black islamist who speaks out against America. But the true greatness of our country is that we defend the rights of both equally.

I don't want to defend the rights of gay bashing hate mongering people who make the rest of us Christians look bad... but as a defender of the constitution I will do that, and pray that I can be a good witness for Christ and let people know that that is NOT the message of Christ. But I won't use the law to silence people I disagree with, because down that road leads an outcome where others may use the law to silence your message of Christ in the future when it becomes "unpopular."

.justin said...

like ryan, i too think these protesters are retarded, and doing more harm to the gospel than they think they are doing good.

your comments tonight AJ, about "how can these people be reading the same book i am and get THIS out of it?!" are totally valid thoughts.

but ryan bring up valid points regarding constitutional defense and treating people a certain way based on their similarities and differences to your personal opinions and viewpoints.

in this instances, i'm going to have to throw my hat in with ryan.

i'm embarrassed to be associated with those scum people. but the truth is, i'm just like them. i have evil thoughts and desires, and judgments and pride and sin so thick in my life. and jesus removes that guilty stain from my life, just as he does from theirs. and yours. i don't know how this works. they are like the baby-bashing ninevites to me [see nahum]. but if they are repentant for their actions and declare Jesus as their GOD, he is faithful and just to forgive them or their sin and cleanse them of all their unrighteousness, just as he has done for little, depraved me.

again: i think they are totally ridiculous and off-their rocker with their actions... which are probably safe to consider as "sin". i'm filthy with sin too.

Nate said...

I honestly don't see this churches logic... but more to the point of legality.

I don't have a lot of knowledge on this issue but read the following from CNN.

"A number of states have passed laws regarding funeral protests, and Congress has passed a law prohibiting such protests at federal cemeteries."

i read this statement as proof that these protests are illegal and will continue to be illeagle until the supreme court says otherwise.

.justin said...

interesting find, mr. lindahl. i'll let our constitutional expert, mr. smith tackle that.

i would like to clarify something that i find to be a very popular thought in christianity today. well, in spineless christianity today...

i think people look at personal sin in their life and use that as an excuse or a reason to NOT call other christian's sin out. for instance... if i'm treating kristi poorly, but i've got a friend who is sleeping around on his wife, i use my sin of "not being a good husband" as an excuse for why "it's not my place to tell my christian brother to knock it off".

our sin is sin, and we need to repent. but if our brother is sinning, we need to man up, stick our finger in their chest and say "knock it off". i'm not sure how that applies in this context, as the church of scum is somewhere in butthole usa... other than to say that we must be clear and unwaivering that their actions are not that which lines up with what is portrayed in a proper view/reading/interpretation/application of scripture. AJ's comments that he made to me at trunk-or-treat are correct... "i don't see how they can get this out of the same book [the bible] that we are reading!".

those are my extended thoughts for the day. please listen/watch this podcast/vodcast, found here.

Anonymous said...

"butthole USA?"

:-) love grandma