Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Soo, this should be a fun post, the whole purpose is to help my readers (yes all five of you) get to know me better. So your mission is to guess which story is a lie, two will be true and one will false. So see how well you know me and guess which one is the lie.
These three stories are stories about times I have almost died.
One. I was out hunting with my grandpa when he said that he was going to stay on this ridge and look around for deer, giving me permission to walk to the opposite side of the ridge and post my self there, keeping in contact with walkie-talkie. Well I set off walking, to my right was a huge cliff face going straight up and to my life was an another cliff that dropped like hundred feet down. In between there was a trail that was about 20 feet wide and was at a 35* angle to my left, I keep on walking around the ridge, and I was taking my time considering that there was an about 6 inches of snow lying around. I was walking on some crushed down snow to keep my volume down. Meanwhile after walking for about 15 minutes I stopped and looked around searching for animals. After about 5 minutes of standing there freezing to death I took off back on the trail, I happened to go about 4 steps when I stepped on a hidden rock under the snow, at that point I slipped and started sliding down the hillside. I remember yelling in my mind (because I didn’t want to scare the deer!) and thinking I was going to die, here I was sliding down this slope heading to a cliff with 100 foot drop. At about 10 feet from the edge I stopped, to this day have no idea why I stopped, I was on a steep slope, moving pretty good and I had nothing to grasp onto to slow me down. I got up and really freaked out when I realized that I was about only 10 feet from my death, I went back up the hill sat down and stared at my slide marks, until my grandpa came.
Two, when I was in middle school, I went swimming in the ocean in Oregon. I like the ocean, I love the sounds, and I like the difference of the ocean there is nothing like anywhere on the earth. I just love the ocean, but this time was different, I was out swimming, (call me a freak but I kinda don’t mind the cold) and I was out to my chest, when I got hit from behind by a powerful wave (I know, I know never turn your back on the ocean) and I got knocked into the water at that point I was totally lost in what way was up and what was down and I freaked out, I swam and swam but couldn’t find the surface just about when all hope was loss and my vision started to blur, I made to the surface.
Three. This one is pretty recent but I’m pretty sure I didn’t tell any of you this story, I was driving on my way to work (for MC) and the was heavy rainfall, in fact it had been raining hard all week, I was driving exactly 47 mph on Johns Prairie road, when I went around the bend before the baseball fields and saw the car in front of me had slammed on their brakes, well they slowed down because they needed to turn. I slammed on my brakes and worried about hitting them when I got down to about 15 mph I still realized that I was going to hit the person so I hit my e-brake and stopped in time. As I took a deep breath I look in my review mirror and see this Chevy Tahoe speeding right towards me. I going to guess he was going about 60 mph, as soon as he saw me he slammed on his brakes, I knew that he was going to hit and I started to brace myself for the impact, he then engaged his e-brake (I believe) and start to stop a whole lot faster. Then his Tahoe did a 180* turn around and stopped about 10 feet from my back bumper. (I know I probably wouldn’t have died, but I think that I would have gotten really hurt)
So I hope you had fun reading about the times I have almost killed my self. There’s a lot more but we won’t go there. (butane, Agent orange (maybe), more stupid stuff hunting, and lots more typical guy stuff) and I know that a lot of people think I probably crazy for saying this but out of everything I have ever done I regret 3 threes out of all the stuff I have done. Ever thing else I have done, I have learned something important from. So that is it. Hope you laughed/giggled/rolled your eyes/whatever.
By the way the score is now,
AJ=4 Grim Reaper=0


Nate said...

The truth is...
I honestly don't know which one is a lie. perhaps more detail and better grammer would be nice. but if i had to guess...
I think that it either has to be the first or the last one. the first because it is so long and poorly written. (Good lies have a lot of detail)
The last because it isn't about you. in your last tale you often talk about others instead of yourself.

I guess the last one. You're not supposed to hit the e-brake with ABS and i'm sure you know this. and i assume that the rain is your excuse for not being able to stop. Locked wheels don't slow you down faster than ABS.

AJ said...

i will let a couple of more people vote then i will tell.

Danny said...

Number 2 is false.

Anonymous said...

after reading your revised post i see that #2 was a lot less almost deadly then I thought. Hmmmmm.

but for the sake of stubourness I will stick with #3


AJ said...

really? ha ha ha
this is fun.

Anonymous said...

I think that it was the second story.

Mr. John said...

i think # 2 was made up. it's not very original, as is with most lies. it also has very few specifics.

the first one is believable. i know you go hunting. and has lots of specifics.

the thrid one is also pretty believable. you're not the best driver in the world.

AJ said...

gee thanks alot

Jessica said...

I am going to say NĂºmero Dos.

AJ said...

dos eh? boy little sister i think that you need to know me better.

Danny said...

Death story number one, believable. If you would spend so much time crafting an elaborate story about your near death with so many descriptions, only for it to be fake, you would have major problems.

Story number two seems false. First off, it is way shorter than the others, and isn't very elaborate. Most of it talks about how much you love the ocean. Also, it doesn't make much sense. You were out to "your chest" when you got knocked over by a wave. Okay, seriously, even after the wave, there isn't that much water. Unless you were swimming parallel to the ground, you would have to break the surface if you were swimming for as long as you could.

Story number three is also believable. It has more descriptions, like number one. Also, if you were going to make up a fake way you almost died, I don't know why you would say "I probably wouldn't have died". I mean, why would the fake story be one where you wouldn't have actually died.

In conclusion, just admit to everyone it was story number two. Also, it seems a little bit strange to me to make up a fake way you almost died. Maybe it is just me, but it seems bizarre.

Nate said...

It is very possible to be knocked over by a wave in chest deep water. chest deep water is the average. right before the wave hits you the water around you decreases. and many waves could go over your head in chest deep. that is less than a foot high wave. therefore i could totally see it happening. I wouldn't be so sure that it is very deadly though. potentially but not very. all in all this story was kinda bad in comparison to the others.

the first is so believeable because anything can happen in the woods. i definately see that potential. and i happen to know that AJ does very stupid things in the woods. maybe because it's so believable is the very reason its a lie.

the third i have already stated. ABS and all. aj has had some close moments. trucks don't randomly spin around.

now in hindsight i think maybe the first but i won't change my answer. so number 3 it is

had your fun AJ! we've overanalyzed every thing. reveal what's behind the secret door please.

Anonymous said...

maybe none are true? or maybe all are true.

Mr. John said...

i'm waiting......it's losing it's charm.......hurry up or i'm not going to care when you do tell us......

AJ said...

then answer is the second one.

Danny said...

you fooled nobody.